Patient Portal

Patient Portal


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    View Demographics Summary

    1. Click Home > find Summary

    Update Demograhpics

    1. Click Home > click the demographic information link

    View Upcoming / Past Appointments

    1. Click Home > find Appointments
    2. Click Upcoming for upcoming appointments
      1. Or click Past for past appointments

    Request New Appointment

    1. Click Home > click the Request Appointments button
    2. Select the correct appointment type, provider, location, reason for visit and time preference from the respective drop-down menus


      Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

      Sort Messages

      1. Click Message
      2. Click Inbox > click a column heading (e.g. From, To, Subject, etc.) to sort by it
        1. Or click the same column again to reverse the sorting

      Open a Message

      1. Click Message
      2. Click Inbox to view received messages
        1. Or click Sent to view sent messages
      3. Select a message to display it

      Reply to a Message

      1. Click Message
      2. Click Inbox > select a message > click Reply
      3. Compose a message > click Send

      Compose a Message

      1. Click Message
      2. Click New Message
      3. Compose a message > click Send

      Delete a Message

      1. Click Message
      2. Select a message > click Delete 


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        View Balance

        1. Click Balance 
        2. See Running Balance

        Make a Payment (Bluefin)

        1. Click Balance
        2. Click Make a Payment
        3. Enter the payment details

        Health Records

          Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

          View Demographics

          1. Click My Profile
          2. See General, Insurance, Responsible Party Information, Provider and Practice Contact

          Update Demographics

          1. Click My Profile
          2. Click Update My Profile > update the demographics > click Send

          Ask a Question

          1. Click My Profile
          2. Click the Questions link
          3. Select an MD
            1. Or the questions category
          4. Write a question click Send

          Reset Password

          1. Click My Profile
          2. Click the Reset Password link
          3. Enter a new password > enter it again to confirm it > click Change My Password

          View Records

          1. Click My Health
          2. See Allergies, Encounter, Diagnosis, Lab Results, Rx, and Vitals

          Filter Records by Date

          1. Click My Health
          2. Click Filter
          3. Enter the start and end dates
            1. Or select the dates using the calendar

          Download Records

          1. Click My Health
          2. Click Download

          Submit Records

          1. Click My Documents
          2. Click Submit Medical Records to Clinic

          Download Multiple Documents

          1. Click My Documents
          2. Click Download Multiple Files
          3. Select the files to download > click Ok

          Email Documents

          1. Click My Documents
          2. Find the correct document > follow the row over and click Email
          3. Enter the recipients Email Address > if necessary, update the File Name > click Send

          Submit Online Forms

          1. Click Online Forms
          2. Select a form from the drop-down menu
          3. Enter the required information > click Submit Form

          Reference Guide

            Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

            Message Toolbar

            • Refresh: refreshes Inbox
            • New Message: opens new message
            • Delete: deletes selected message
            • Print: prints current message
            • Reply: replies to selected message
            My Health Toolbar

            • Filter: filters health records by date
            • Download: downloads health records as PDF
            • Questions: opens message box to ask a question
            • Generate Electronic Patient Record: Selects which records for which dates to generate a clinical or referral summary

            Advanced Configuration*

              Add a header to begin generating the table of contents


              • Patient Portal Email:
              • Support:
              • Theme:
              • Heading Color:
              • Email Footer:
              • Send Disclaimer:
              • Email Notification:


              • Forms:
                • test
              • Subject:
                • test
              • To:
                • test
              • To2:
                • test



              Timeline > Tabs

              View Chart